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Friday, April 28, 2006

The Action Word

I suscribe to a daily devotional off and its been a real daily dose of practicality. I got this today and it was too on point not to share. We're living in a very selfish world and too often the christians don't stand out of the pack. But it has been proven that when you put others before urself, God will put you before others that don't. Let's be practical when it comes to is an Action Word.

Enjoy and let the last sentence stick wit you.

Love suffers long and is kind.-1 Corinthians 13:4
Can you imagine the world we would live in if people operated by the principle that says, "Don't look out for your own needs and interests, but for the needs of others"? Yet we live in a culture that tells us to forget about others and to look out for number-one. But we should remember that God's love is patient. And as the body of Christ, the love we have should be patient. Another way to translate the phrase, "Love suffers long" from 1 Corinthians 13 is "Love is long-tempered." This common New Testament term is used almost exclusively in speaking of being patient with people rather than being patient with circumstances or events. Love's patience is the ability to be inconvenienced again and again.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Been a while...

I've gotten sooo lazy when it comes to blogging lately...I suppose its a phase that'll soon pass like every other wind of change.
I just embedded a video of prob my fav. performance @ the underground 101 which sadly is temporaily closed down. But anyways the video is will be up there for a while so folks can get an idea of what exactly a spokenword artist does.

I also can't wait till the DefPoetry season begins...i get so much inspiration from watching those talented poets put their craft on truly is a beautiful thing to behold. Anyways enjoy the video and feel free to drop a holla.
its Moi.