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Monday, June 05, 2006

The Price of Creativity

The great gift of creativity comes with strings attached, better said as, there's a thin line btw creativity and insanity.

Kinda like the most brilliant scientists were terrible at 'everyday things', or the most gifted author couldn't be sociable. I have a string just like that, and it's the need to be left alone. Don't get me wrong I love people, I love the friends i have, I love hanging out, I love conversations, I love meeting new people, n most of my inspiration come after everyday conversations...but I love my 'alone-time' more. I dunno how it is for other creative souls at heart, but when i get hit by an idea, it plays over n over in my mind. I wake up in the middle of the night wit a jolt, i got a thot, a possible concept for a spokenword piece, I'm driving along n jus had to stop to write that line b4 i forget it...

It's almost like i can be schizophrenic...I put on another character when I'm writing, I got into this whole different mood, be it anger/hopefulness/pain/self-digust/love and I stay in that zone until the process releases me. As a christian, i think its even more intense. Cos any believer knows dat when the Spirit siezes you, His word won't return until its purpose and mission has been accomplished.

As long as I continue to embrace my art, I'll be constantly treading that thin line. It's a way of life, and every artist wit a desire to master and perfect that craft, must be ready to give up certain levels of normalcy...shoot, I know I'm already crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I totally agree. When I'm writing poetry or writing anything that is creative and requires deep thought I need my alone time too. I've been trying to work on some screenplays and if I don't have complete quiet and no disturbance I have a hard time producing something.

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I think every artist needs that alone time where they can create without distractions. But its ur last statement that I feel you on mostly "every artist wit a desire to master and perfect that craft, must be ready to give up certain levels of normalcy
that is sooo true!

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

5:18 AM  

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