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Friday, July 07, 2006

Open Letter to...

all the musicians in holyhiphop. Forgive me if I sound a lil disgusted I just had to get this chip offa my chest.
I'm tired of the whining and complaining and sulking of how the rest of the christian community does not accept "us" and do not open up their church doors to "our ministry". Now its true majority of the christian community could use a crash course in holyhiphop, and be more open to this style and give this type of music a chance...however holy hip hop artists MUST take some blame in all the problems that have beset this genre.

I'm seeing holyhiphop take the path hiphop took...started out pure and innocent and now its no longer virtous. I'm so tired of christian artists who bring the same ol' stale bread to the table, and then wonder why nobody wants to taste their music.

The world of hhh is suddenly placing emphasis on tight beats, dope metaphors, sick lyrics...they've forgotten about the need for the power of the HOLYSPIRIT. Its so hard to find a rap album that you can worship God thru. I don't care what you're rapping about, doesn't matter what the topic is, a christian should be able to worship God thru ur lyrics.

but of course that gets kinda hard when most of todays artists keep talking about how sick they are on the mic, and how demons flee when they speak, or how their lyrics dry up cancer, and the deaf start hearing....what ever happened to Proverbs 2:27 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. and not meaning to sound derogatory, i seriously doubt any of that happens when such prideful people "minister".

Yes I'm not overly knowledgeable about the ins and outs off hhh, but from where I'm sitting, I'm disappointed with the view...and we wonder why the christian community is not accepting "us". Don't take this as me saying I'm better than all these folks, leave that to the Man upstairs and I won't smack on all the artists, cos I've met the most spirit-filled believers who are also artists in hhh. But its a daggone shame, they're getting drowned out by the mass of pretenders.


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